A downloadable game for Windows

Project 5 - Banana Belt 

Name: Philip Buadromo

Student Number: s3851093

Exclaimer: The project files may not function on Unity without going to File > Open Scene > and then selecting FruitDodger9 from the list of scenes. 
Third Party Assets:

Tutorials and code from Blackboard Collaborate - GDS2-3D Game Design with Unity w/Max/ recordings

Programs from https://www.audiokinetic.com/download/#windows - Program: [Wwise Launcher]

Unity file from https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1LFMQHiTjNrl-huOIbswJCKHumvBrEuku - Files:
[BananaBelt.zip, BananaBeltSFX.zip]

Assets from https://assetstore.unity.com/- Files:
[Low Poly Fruits, FoodAndGrocery]

Fonts from https://assetstore.unity.com/- Files:


The controls have been improved by adding a spin movement to the player when in contact with a life or score ring. 
The audio visual effects includes a 'BGM' for the background music, 'Start' when clicking the play button, 'Hit' for sound effects, 
'Life-1' plays when touching a life, 'ObstacleAmbient' plays when flying past fruit and space debris and 'Score-1, 2, 3 and 4' play at random when touching a ring. 
The sound effects consist of WAV files that have been applied to the Unity project with the help of the Wwise program. 
The application of added mechanics such as a highscore, scoring effects and damage effects enhance the mood of the game. 
Adding a lives counter on top of altering the high score system made the game appear understandable and more balanced.
The application of the 'Thaleah_PixelFont' was applied to the score and title of the game along with a new title called 'Fruit Dodger'.
The application of particle effects were used to emphasize the stars passing by in outer space and demonstrate movement in an artistic manner.
There is also particle effects present in the rings to create an array of hypnotic waves emphasizing the illusion of depth. 
The feel of the game didn't need to be changed as the controls were simple enough.
The application of extra fruit obstacles were added to add a bit of variation and allow for a name change.
Extra code and modifications were given in the Blackboard Collaborate Tutorials with Max Myers which were largely unmodified. 
I had some issues when trying to correct the placement of text in the game and destroyed some prefabs such as score rings when using an older version of Unity. 


The controls just consist of the arrow keys and 'W,A,S,D' keys to move the space ship to collect items or dodge obstacles.
A or left key to move left, W or up key to move up, S or down key to move down, and D or right key to move right. 
You can also left click onto the play button to start the game from the beginning or after a game over. 


PhilipBuadromo_s3851093_Project5-1 (3).zip 415 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract zip file and play exe

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